Dolphin Swim


Swim with a dolphin in a group up to 6 persons 

Duration:  30 min

Participants: up to 6 person. 

Price: 120,- EURO

Single for the best Fotos: Kiss, Hug, Pectoral Shake, Belly Ride, Feeding,

Groupal: Anatomy, Swimming by and touch, Turn Dance, Water Fights, Vocals, Jumps, Claps, Wave

Take a Ride with the Dolphins! Enjoy an amazing Dolphin Ride in Marmaris.  This program gives our guests the chance to interact with dolphins  in the water, spend time swimming and playing with the dolphins, and then let these wonderful marine mammals take you for a ride you will never forget!

You swim  with the dolphins, and even get a big dolphin kiss, but the most thrilling part of the program is the chance to take a belly reide  in our lagoon Hang on tight for the ride-of-your-life, as you are pulled through the water by these amazing swimmers! Create an unforgettable memory and join us  for The Ride!

This is a great way to make your holidays unforgetable! Come with your family and have a great interaction with a dolphin. Enjoy a contact with nature; learn how to take care of the environment, and the best, share with your family memebrs a great time in the water with a dolphin.

You will have 10 minutes of briefing outside the water and 35 minutes of interaction as an entire group with the dolphin in the water.

Includes single and groupal activities. All activities in this recreational program are designed to give to the participants the time to enjoy being close to a dolphin, learn how to take care of the dolphins and the ocean and have a lot of fun in the water.

1) You must be at least  8 years old or 1.20m  to join swim activity. Children from 8 till 11,99 years old  have to be accompanied by a paying adult of at least 16 years old  also participating in the program.

2) All participants have to use a life jacket.

3) By participant of a 100kg weight or XXL size of life jacket the ride cannot be realized/ implemented for the safety reasons.

4) For the safety reason it is not allowed to use any kind of  video or foto device durig the meet or swim program (wet areas).

5) Paticipants who left by their own the running program by any reason cannot be taken back to continue. There is no money rebate provided.

6) Pregnant women are restricted for swim. They can do a meet program.  

7) Each dolphin program is unique and based upon our groups, trainers and dolphins wellbeing in mind.

Not Included: Photo and DVD



Dolphin Swim


Swim with a dolphin in a group up to 6 persons 

Duration:  30 min

Participants: up to 6 person. Activities: 13

Price: 120,- EURO

Single behaviours for the best Fotos: Kiss, Hug, Pectoral Shake, Belly Ride, Feeding,

Groupal: Anatomy, Swimming by and touch, Turn Dance, Water Fights, Vocals, Jumps, Claps, Wave

Take a Ride with the Dolphins! Enjoy an amazing Dolphin Ride in Marmaris.  This program gives our guests the chance to interact with dolphins  in the water, spend time swimming and playing with the dolphins, and then let these wonderful marine mammals take you for a ride you will never forget!

You swim  with the dolphins, and even get a big dolphin kiss, but the most thrilling part of the program is the chance to take a belly reide  in our lagoon Hang on tight for the ride-of-your-life, as you are pulled through the water by these amazing swimmers! Create an unforgettable memory and join us  for The Ride!

This is a great way to make your holidays unforgetable! Come with your family and have a great interaction with a dolphin. Enjoy a contact with nature; learn how to take care of the environment, and the best, share with your family memebrs a great time in the water with a dolphin.

You will have 10 minutes of briefing outside the water and 30 minutes of interaction as an entire group with the dolphin in the water.

Includes single and groupal activities. All activities in this recreational program are designed to give to the participants the time to enjoy being close to a dolphin, learn how to take care of the dolphins and the ocean and have a lot of fun in the water.

1) You must be at least  8 years old or 1.20m  to join swim activity. Children from 8 till 11,99 years old  have to be accompanied by a paying adult of at least 16 years old  also participating in the program.

2) All participants have to use a life jacket.

3) By participant of a 100kg weight or XXL size of life jacket the ride cannot be realized/ implemented for the safety reasons.

4) For the safety reason it is not allowed to use any kind of  video or foto device durig the meet or swim program (wet areas).

5) Paticipants who left by their own the running program by any reason cannot be taken back to continue. There is no money rebate provided.

6) Pregnant women are restricted for swim. They can do a meet program.  

7) Each dolphin program is unique and based upon our groups, trainers and dolphins wellbeing in mind.

Not Included: Photo and DVD

Dolphin Swim


Swim with a dolphin in a group up to 6 persons 

Duration:  30 min

Participants: up to 6 person. Activities: 13

Price: 85,- EURO

Single behaviour for the best Fotos: Kiss, Hug, Pectoral Shake, Belly Ride, Feeding,

Groupal behaviours: Anatomy, Swimming by and touch, Turn Dance, Water Fights, Vocals, Jumps, Claps, Wave

Take a Ride with the Dolphins! Enjoy an amazing Dolphin Ride in Marmaris.  This program gives our guests the chance to interact with dolphins  in the water, spend time swimming and playing with the dolphins, and then let these wonderful marine mammals take you for a ride you will never forget!

You swim  with the dolphins, and even get a big dolphin kiss, but the most thrilling part of the program is the chance to take a belly reide  in our lagoon Hang on tight for the ride-of-your-life, as you are pulled through the water by these amazing swimmers! Create an unforgettable memory and join us  for The Ride!

This is a great way to make your holidays unforgetable! Come with your family and have a great interaction with a dolphin. Enjoy a contact with nature; learn how to take care of the environment, and the best, share with your family memebrs a great time in the water with a dolphin.

You will have 10 minutes of briefing outside the water and 30 minutes of interaction as an entire group with the dolphin in the water.

Includes single and groupal activities. All activities in this recreational program are designed to give to the participants the time to enjoy being close to a dolphin, learn how to take care of the dolphins and the ocean and have a lot of fun in the water.

1) You must be at least  8 years old or 1.20m  to join swim activity. Children from 8 till 11,99 years old  have to be accompanied by a paying adult of at least 16 years old  also participating in the program.

2) All participants have to use a life jacket.

3) By participant of a 100kg weight or XXL size of life jacket the ride cannot be realized/ implemented for the safety reasons.

4) For the safety reason it is not allowed to use any kind of  video or foto device durig the meet or swim program (wet areas).

5) Paticipants who left by their own the running program by any reason cannot be taken back to continue. There is no money rebate provided.

6) Pregnant women are restricted for swim. They can do a meet program.  

7) Each dolphin program is unique and based upon our groups, trainers and dolphins wellbeing in mind.

Not Included: Photo and DVD

Dolphin Swim


Поплавайте с дельфинами в группе до 6 человек. Продолжительность:  30 минут

Участники: до 6 человек / Количество элементов: 13

Стоимость: 85,- Евро

Для лучших фотографий: Индивидуальный подход: Поцелуй, Объятия, Махание Плавником, Сидение на Спине Дельфина, Кормление

Групповые действия: Анатомия, Плавание и Касание, Кружащийся Танец, Водная Война, Пение Дельфинов, Прыжки, Хлопание Плавниками / Создание Волн

Прокатитесь с дельфинами! Насладитесь удивительным Катанием на Дельфине в Мармарисе. Эта программа предоставляет нашим гостям уникальную возможность пообщаться с дельфинами в воде, поплавать и поиграть с ними. А потом, эти замечательные морские млекопитающие возьмут вас в плавание, которое вы никогда не забудете!

Вы сможете поплавать с дельфином и получить нежный поцелуй дельфина, но самой захватывающей частью программы является возможность плавания с дельфином в бассейне, держась за его верхний плавник. Держитесь крепче для самого незабываемого плавания в вашей жизни, потому что вас будут тянуть эти замечательные плавцы. Получите незабываемые моменты в вашей жизни и присоединитесь к нам для Восхитительного Катания!

Это отличный способ сделать ваш отдых незабываемым! Приходите к нам вместе с семьей и пообщайтесь с дельфинами. Получите наслаждение от общения с природой: вы сможете не только научиться заботиться об окружающей среде но и самое главное, вам предоставится уникальная возможность незабываемо провести время с членами вашей семьи, плавая в воде с дельфинами.

Перед купанием вы прослушаете небольшой инструктаж и потом, в течении 30 минут ваша группа будет общаться с дельфином.  

Программа включает в себя индивидуальные и групповые мероприятия. Все мероприятия в этой рекреационной программе разработаны для того, чтобы предоставить участникам программы возможность получить удовольствие от знакомства с дельфинами, научиться заботиться о дельфинах и океане и восхитительно провести время в воде.

1) Для того, чтобы принять участие в программе плавания, вам должно быть не меньше 8 лет и ваш рост должен быть не меньше 1.20 м. Дети от 8 до 13 лет допускаются только в сопровождении минимум одного взрослого возрастом не меньше 16 лет, который также приобрел билет.

2) Все участники программы должны использовать спасательный жилет.

3) Для того, чтобы участник программы смог принять участие во всех мероприятиях в воде, он должен комфортно себя чувствовать в глубокой воде и должен обладать некоторыми навыками сохранения вертикального положения тела в воде. В случае, если вы не сможете достаточно контролировать положение тела в воде, для вашей же безопасности тренер может попросить вас продолжить принимать участие в программе с рабочей платформы.

4) Из соображений безопасности, во время программы знакомства и плавания не разрешается использовать любые фото и видео устройства (условие: wet area presence).

5) Участники, по какой-либо причине по собственному желанию отказавшиеся от участия в программе на любом ее этапе, не могут быть приняты обратно для продолжения принятия участия в мероприятии. Возврат денег не осуществляется.

6) Беременные женщины к плаванию не допускаются. Они могут принять участие только в программе знакомства с платформы.

7) Каждая программа с дельфинами уникальна и зависит от наших групп, тренеров и хорошего самочувствия дельфинов.


Фото и DVD в стоимость не включены.


Dolphin Swim


6 kişiye kadar grup olarak bir yunusla yüzün. Süre:  30 dakika

Katılımcılar: 6 kişiye kadar / Etkinlikler: 13

Ücret: 120,- Euro

Coçuklar en az 8 yaş yada 120cm boyunda olmalıyılar. 8 - 11,99 yaş arası coçuklar ancak bir yetışkin ile birlikte yüzme yapabilirler.  

Seans başlangıçı:  11:30, 13:30, 15:30

En iyi fotoğraflar için tek tek kişilik hareketler: Öpme, Sarılma, Yüzgeç Sallama, Sırtta Çekme/Binme, Besleme;

Grup hareketler: Anatomi, Dokunarak, Döner Dans, Su Savaşı, Eşlik/Vocals, Zıplama, El Çırpma, Kuyruk ile Dalga

Yunuslarla yol alın! Marmaris’te inanılmaz Yunusa Binmenin tadını çıkarın. Bu program konuklarımıza yunuslarla suda etkileşime girme, onlarla yüzme, oynama şansı verirken deniz memelileri sizi asla unutamayacağınız bir yolculuğa çıkaracak.

Bir yunusla yüzecek, kocaman bir öpücük alacaksınız aman programın en heyecanlı kısmı havuzumuza yunus sırtında yüzmeniz olacaktır. Hayatınızın binişi için sıkı tutunun çünkü suda bu muhteşem yüzücüler tarafından çekileceksiniz. Unutulmaz bir anı için Binmek üzere bize katılın!

Tatilinizi unutulmaz kılmak için harika bir yol! Ailenizi alıp gelin ve yunuslarla etkileşime girin. Doğayla temastan zevk alın; çevreye nasıl duyarlı olunacağını öğrenirken en muhteşemi de ailenize suda yunuslarla böylesi güzel zaman geçirmek olacak.

Yüzme öncesi dışarıda alacağınız kısa bilgilendirme sonrasında grup olarak 30 dakika boyunca etkileşime gireceksiniz.

Program tek ve grup etkinliklerini içerir. Bu eğlence programındaki bütün programlar katılımcıların yunuslarla yakınlık kurması, onlara ve okyanusa nasıl davranmaları gerektiğini öğrenmesi ve suda güzelce eğlenmesi için tasarlanmıştır.


1) Yüzme etkinliğine katılmak için en az 8 yaşında veya 1.20 metre boyunda olmalısınız. 8 ila 11,99 yaş arasındaki çocuklar, gene bilet almış en az 16 yaşında bir başka katılımcı tarafından eşlik edilmelidir.

2) Bütün katılımcılar can yeleği kullanmak zorundadır.

3) Sudaki bütün etkinlikleri tamamlamak isteyen bir katılımcı derin suda rahat olmalıdır, belli dikey duruşlar gerekmektedir. Sudaki vücut kontrolünün yetersiz olması durumunda programı yapan antrenör sizin güvenliğiniz için çalışma platformunda devam etmenizi isteyebilir.

4) 100 kg ya da can yeleği XXL olan bir katılımcını biniş etkinliği güvenlik nedeniyle gerçekleştirilemez.

5) Güvenlik nedeniyle tanışma ve yüzme programında (ıslak alanlar) herhangi bir video ya da fotoğraf çekimine izin verilmez.

6) Herhangi bir nedenle kendi kendilerine programı kaçıran katılımcılar için yeniden düzenleme yapılmaz. Para iadesi gerçekleştirilmez.

7) Hamile kadınlar yüzmeye giremez. Tanışma programına katılabilirler.

8) Her yunus programı eşsizdir ve gruplara, eğitimcilere ve yunusların kendilerine iyi hissetmelerine göre gerçekleştirilir.

Fiyata yunus park fotoğrafçılar tarafından yapan fotoğraf ve DVD dahil değildir.